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The Process

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Paperwork & Agreement

Our Paperwork and Agreement for Solar Energy is designed to protect both our customers and our company. It covers all the details of the solar installation, including the installation process, warranties, and legal requirements. It also outlines the responsibilities of each party and provides a clear path for dispute resolution. With this agreement, you can feel secure in knowing that your solar energy needs are fully covered.

Site Eligibility

Our solar site eligibility service will assess your property to determine if solar is a viable option for you. We use the latest technology to measure the solar potential of your roof and surrounding environment, taking into account all local and state regulations. Our experts will provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision about solar for your home or business.

Installation & Permissions

Our team of expert technicians offers complete installation services for all types of solar energy systems. We take care of all the necessary paperwork and permits, so you don't have to worry about it. We strive to make the entire process as easy and hassle-free as possible.

Utility Connection

Utility Connection specializes in connecting homeowners and businesses to their local utility for a smooth transition to solar energy. Our experienced team will handle the entire process of connecting your solar system to the local utility, ensuring a safe and hassle-free experience. We provide quality customer service with a quick turnaround time so you can start enjoying the benefits of solar energy right away.

Solar On!

The last step in our process is to turn on your new system with permission from the utility company. You can now enjoy the benefits of your solar energy provided by the BEST.

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